HTC still doesn’t have a 100% clear public roadmap for getting all their devices onto Android 6.0 Marshmallow, but the company certainly is hammering away at it behind the scenes and seem to have a pretty good idea of where things are. LlabTooFer obtained a document showing the company’s plans.
It doesn’t tell us anything too surprising, with most of HTC’s flagships and mid-rangers from the past 2 years slated to get at least Android 6.0 Marshmallow and HTC Sense 7 sometime soon. The only device being left out is the HTC One M7, which has reached end of life and is no longer being upgraded to, well, anything (outside of critical security patches). On the flipside, the only device on the list that isn’t end of life but absolutely won’t get Marshmallow is the HTC Desire EYE.
As for when you can expect the upgrades, most devices won’t be going longer than Q2 2016 without an update, though knowing how software development and testing works you shouldn’t be surprised if an eventual delay (or even an acceleration) alters those plans.